Mayan sacred bees

August 16, 2019

Melipona bees or stingless bees are known as "Mayan bees", they produce very special honey, appreciated for its healing and nutritional qualities. Evidence has been found about Mayans breeding bees, they were kept in logs called "jobón" where they made their hives.

But, the Maya bee, was displaced by the European bee that was introduced to our country several centuries ago. These insects are highly social and are only found in the tropical regions of the planet and are indispensable for the pollination of these ecosystems.

At Hip Hotel, we want to join forces to take care of our planet, preserve this species and helping preserve the paradise that surrounds us. In order to help, we have placed a wooden box or “jobón” in front of our garden full of sacred Mayan bees.

Our new "Meliponario" is our way of drawing attention both our community and our visitors about the importance of these pollinator species that help us survive day by day.

We will share more information about this project in our social media and the importance of the care of Meliponas in our region to contribute to take care of our beautiful Tulum.

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